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Firestone - summer tyres 2024 - market overview, tests, reviews

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We have selected a few Firestone summer tyres based on recent test results to provide you with detailed information and reviews. Among the tested tyres, we have chosen Firestone Firehawk Sport, Firestone Destination HP, and Firestone Roadhawk as the prominent tyres to be considered.

Firestone Firehawk Sport is a summer tyre that has received excellent ratings in multiple tests. In a 2023 SportAuto test with a 225/40 R18 tyre, it was rated "very good" and was praised for its excellent wet braking, precise handling, and reliable wet grip. It also featured good stability, manageable dry driving properties, and had the lowest rolling resistance. However, some deficits were noted in cornering during aquaplaning. Another 2023 Autobild test using a 225/40 R18 tyre size reported satisfying results, with positive attributes including agile handling on dry surfaces, short braking distances, and a remarkably low rolling resistance. Nevertheless, the tyre faced average aquaplaning characteristics and a slightly delayed steering response on wet surfaces.

Firestone Destination HP is a summer tyre that has been proven through multiple tests. In a 2017 test by ADAC with a 215/65 R16 SUV tyre size, it received a "good" rating, proving to be a suitable option when considering Firestone summer tyres.

Firestone Roadhawk, on the other hand, has faced mixed reviews across various tests. In a 2023 ADAC test with a 205/55 R16 tyre, it was rated "commendable" and praised for its performance on dry surfaces, efficiency, low weight, and minimal wear. However, the tyre displayed a lack of balance and weaknesses on wet surfaces. In a separate 2023 Autobild test with a 225/45 R18 tyre size, the tyre faced criticism for its wet handling but remained a consideration for some due to its dry surface performance. In a 2022 ADAC test with 215/60 R16 and 185/65 R15 tyre sizes, the Firestone Roadhawk received a "satisfactory" rating due to its strengths on dry surfaces but was criticized for its wet handling performance and being the loudest tyre in the test.

In summary, when choosing Firestone summer tyres, the Firestone Firehawk Sport and Firestone Destination HP should be considered for their commendable performance in multiple tests. While Firestone Roadhawk has some shortcomings, it may still be a viable option for those who prioritize dry surface performance.

New Firestone summer tyres

NameRatingTypePrevious modelYear
Firestone Roadhawk 2
Firestone Firehawk Sport
Firestone Tz300

Firestone summer tyres recommended in tests

Tyres which were evaluated in tests from mostly European autoclubs.
#NameOur ratingTest resultsAchievementsDimensionsPrice from
1 Firestone Roadhawk 2
5. Autozeitung
Aquaplaning - longitudal
2 Firestone Firehawk Sport
9. Autobild
4. SportAuto
Rolling resistance Exterior noise
3 Firestone Roadhawk
31. Autobild
11. Autoklub ČR
11. ADAC
30. Autobild
17. ADAC
17. ADAC
9. Autobild
10. Autobild
Dry braking Wet braking Aquaplaning - cross Aquaplaning - longitudal Dry driving behavior …+1

Firestone - Model comparison (2024)

1. Firestone Roadhawk 2

Tested 1x in 2024, 1x in total.
Test results:
check the prices for Firestone Roadhawk 2

2. Firestone Firehawk Sport

Tested 2x in 2024, 2x in total.
Test results:
check the prices for Firestone Firehawk Sport

3. Firestone Roadhawk

Tested 5x in 2024, 21x in total.
Test results:
  • Exceptional handling on the wet
  • Great handling on dry roads
  • Short braking distance on dry roads
  • High drive-by noise levels
  • Longer braking distance on wet roads
  • Low mileage
  • Bad value for the money
check the prices for Firestone Roadhawk

Other Firestone summer tyres

Tyres which were not featured in any test - new models, older models and non-mainstream models.
#NameDimensionsPrice from
1 Firestone Roadhawk SUV
2 Firestone Tsp3000
3 Firestone TZ300a
4 Firestone Vanhawk 2
5 Firestone Firehawk SZ90

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